iOS App Icon and Launch Image Sizes

 Jigar M 
4 min readJun 28, 2016

I’ve been finalizing a new iOS app before publishing to the App Store, and I had two issues that delayed my progress much longer than they should have.

I want to share these experience with you so that you can avoid them yourself.

My issues were the following:
User kept seeing an older version of my splash screen when they install my updated version app to old version app. Might be this is common issue for Mobile Application Developer.
2. And same for app icon, User kept seeing an older version of my app icon when they install my updated version app to old version app.

If you ever run across these questions during your own app development, let me explain the answers in words and pictures, and give you a tool to help you avoid this problem altogether.

iOS Launch Image Sizes

The launch image, sometimes called a splash screen, A launch screen appears instantly when your app starts up. The launch screen is quickly replaced with the first screen of your app, giving the impression that your app is fast and responsive. The launch screen isn’t an opportunity for artistic expression.
The lesson I learned, of course, is to make sure your launch image files are in the correct folder referenced by your XCode project. The path in XCode should be the following:


If you are going to change the LaunchImage of your published app, you must have take care about one major problem.
Let me explain, If your application have LaunchImage with name mentioned below :
Default.png, Default@2x.png, Default@3x.png etc…

And now you are going to update the LaunchImage with new design with other name. Like,
LaunchImage.png, LaunchImage@2x.png, LaunchImage@3x.png etc…

So, it mean you are again adding new LaunchImages in the Images.xcassets->LaunchImage.launchimage instead of replacing them with new design. This issue might be affect to replace the launch image file in updated version. User could be see old launch image even though they have latest version of the app. so, I would like to say provide the specific name for the launch image and If you need to update your launch image with new design then check old images replaces with new design and name.
So, Conclusion is preventing this situation, Provide same name of LaunchImage for the application.

I’ve included a complete list below, with the all the size for your easy reference:

[A] iPhone/iPad Splash screensizes
[B] iPhone/iPad Splash screensizes

- Default.png (320 x 480)
- Default@2x.png (640 x 960)
- Default-568h@2x.png (640 x 1136)
- Default-667h@2x.png.png (750 x 1334 (iPhone 6, Portrait))
- Default-736h@3x.png (1242 x 2208 (iPhone 6 Plus, Portrait))
- Default-Landscape-568h@2x.png (1136 x 640)
- Default-Landscape-667h@2x.png (1334 x 750 (iPhone 6, Landscape))
- Default-Landscape-736h@3x.png (2208 x 1242 (iPhone 6 Plus, Landscape))
- Default-Portrait.png (768 x 1024)
- Default-Portrait@2x.png (1536 x 2048)
- Default-Landscape.png (1024 x 768)
- Default-Landscape@2x.png (2048 x 1536)

iOS App Icon Sizes

Same problem for App icons, If you are going to change the app icon of your published app, you must have take care about above mentioned scenario.
Let me explain, If your application have app icons with name mentioned below :
Icon-Small.png, Icon-Small@2x.png, Icon-Small@3x.png etc…

And now you are going to update the app icon with new design with other name. Like,
AppIcon-Small.png, AppIcon-Small@2x.png, AppIcon-Small@3x.png etc…

So, it mean you again adding new app icons in the Images.xcassets->AppIcons.appiconset instead of replacing them with new design.
So preventing this situation, Please provide same name of app icon for the application. You can provide any name for the app icon but as a developer be a good name for app icon.

I’ve included a complete list below, with the all the size for your easy reference:

iPhone/iPad App icons sizes

AppIcons Name :
Icon-Small.png (29 x 29)
- Icon-Small@2x.png (58 x 58)
- Icon-Small@3x.png (87 x 87)
- Icon-Small-40.png (40 x 40)
- Icon-Small-40@2x.png (80 x 80)
- Icon-Small-40@3x.png (120 x 120)
- Icon.png (57 x 57)
- Icon@2x.png (114 x 114)
- Icon-Small-50.png (50 x 50)
- Icon-Small-50@2x.png (100 x 100)
- Icon-Small-60.png (60 x 60)
- Icon-Small-60@2x.png (120 x 120)
- Icon-Small-60@3x.png (180 x 180)
- Icon-Small-72.png (72 x 72)
- Icon-Small-72@2x.png (144 x 144)
- Icon-Small-76.png (76 x 76)
- Icon-Small-76@2x.png (152 x 152)
- iTunesArtwork.png (512 x 512)
- iTunesArtwork@2x.png (1024 x 1024)

NOTE: You may notice some resources include a ~iphone or ~ipad. Apple calls this a device modifier, and it is entirely optional. The only real reason you might want to include a device modifier is when you want to show two different images (of the same size) for different devices.



 Jigar M 

Technical Lead | iOS | Xamarin | Xamarin.Forms | MAUI | Project Management